4/21/23-4/30/23: Gulf Shore Opera: Mozart’s Don Giovanni

Don Giovanni: Gulf Shore Opera
Erik Kroncke is Commendatore in Mozart's Don Giovanni at Gulf Shore Opera

Don Giovanni, Mozart’s dark comedy, is known as one of the greatest operas of all time. Based on the story of Don Juan, our philandering hero blazes a path to his own destruction in a single day. This full-scale grand opera production includes original sets and costumes in the classic style, an international cast, and the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra. English surtitle translations are provided.

Erik Kroncke sings Il Commendatore.

April 21, 7pm – Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall
April 30, 7pm – Artis-Naples, Hayes Hall

Tickets and additional information available at https://www.gulfshoreopera.org/